Bringing imaginative food concepts to life.

Fresca Food Lab

Our innovation team leads the industry in product development in the natural and organic space.

We’re the fairy godparents of the food science world, making your product dreams come true. Ok, that sounds a bit silly, but the ability to actualize your food concepts into delicious and market-ready products sometimes feels like a magic power. 

When you need to outsource your R&D, we’re the folks to go to. We’ll take your product idea from MVP (Minimum Viable Product) to MVP (Most Valuable Player).

Think boring food concepts should be a thing of the past? Us too! Welcome to Fresca Foods. We like to keep things fresh.

New Product Ideation

Trend-forward food science.

Our team of innovators and product developers has a pulse on every evolution in customer preferences. We’ve got decades of culinary and food science experience to prove it. When you want a team that understands the newest product and flavor trends, Fresca’s got your back. 

Think of our innovation team as an extension of your team. Our cross-functional ideation is grounded in technical feasibility. We’ll collaborate with your brilliance to develop market-ready concepts that are feasible to manufacture. Plus, all our guidance is rooted in customer needs and marked with clear differentiators from your competitors. 

Product Development

Piece of (certified gluten-free) cake.

Have a fresh new idea or want to elevate an existing one? We’re all ears (and titillated taste buds). We get hands-on with your product ideas to create outputs that are delicious, nutritious, and feasible to produce at your desired scale. We optimize for both quality and cost in the product development process.

When working on any food development project, we know how important it is to get reliable and rapid prototypes. Our team works swiftly to craft prototypes using commercially viable ingredients, ensuring they meet your brand’s standards, relevant certifications, and shelf life requirements. Along the way, we prioritize every opportunity for you to see, sample, and experience your new product formulations. With our rapid prototyping, you'll have a tangible representation of your product to critique, complement, and, of course, enjoy. You get to be as involved in the process as you want. 

Innovation Accelerator

Test & learn.

Our accelerator program packages all our innovation and development goodies together and ties them off with a bow. It’s the most streamlined and effective way to bring your product to life without compromising on efficiency or quality. Our reliable and repeatable innovation process brings your ideas to life in 3-6 months. This program gives you in-market learnings from small-scale production and the solid foundations to iterate and scale as demand grows. We use a flat fee structure for accelerator projects that includes all activities required to quickly produce small quantities of saleable products, including everything from commercialization to manufacturing. 

Participants in our accelerator program have whipped up the most *incredible* products. Here are a few examples of what’s hit the market with the help of our accelerator team:

  • Plant-based vegetable jerky

  • Enrobed cookie clusters

  • Frozen sauce starters

  • BFY chocolate-panned confectionery

  • Indulgent fruit-based bites 

Retail Ready Products & Packaging

We don’t just cook up good product ideas; we want to see them in action.

While we work on perfecting your product, we always ensure your product is retail-ready. From ingredient sourcing and pricing, to shelf-stability and claims adherence, you can rest assured that we’ve got your bases covered.